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Christmas in Southern Italy

Christmas is the most important time to enjoy special moments with friends and family.

Good food, toasting with good wine from Senza Parole and enjoying traditional treats like Cartellate and Pettole.

Christmas bakeries

A sweet Apulian Christmas bakery or as we say dolci natalizi is Cartellate should not be missing at any Christmas table.

These are very easy to recreate and are a guaranteed highlight at any Christmas gathering.

You'll need:


  • rolling pin
  • pizza cutter
  • A deep pan for deep frying or a deep fryer


  • 400g flour
  • 40g olive oil
  • 120g Vino bianco d'italia from Senza Parole, and for children: half apple juice/water
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • If needed: a handful of nuts (almonds, walnuts or hazelnuts)


  • Vincotto or for children honey
  • Mix coloured sprinkles or sugar & cinnamon

The recipe:

For the Cartellate, mix flour, olive oil and a pinch of salt. In addition, use Vino Bianco d'Italia from Senza parole, a white wine that refines the Cartellate with its expressive aromas of exotic fruits such as pineapple and subtle vanilla and citrus flavours and gives the Christmas baking that certain something.

Now mix everything together to form a dough. You can add nuts if you like. Now roll it out into a very thin dough. For the Cartellate, cut the dough into strips of about 3cm x 40cm.

Then fold the long strips once and start pressing the edges together at 3.5 cm intervals. Then form the strips into a round rose, starting from the inside and sticking the edges of the dough together.

Then deep-fry the dough and soak them in syrup. The best syrup for this is vincotto or grape must. In keeping with the Christmas season, you can sprinkle a sugar and cinnamon mixture or colourful sprinkles over the cartellate.

This is the perfect dessert to enjoy with a glass of Vino Bianco d'Italia from Senza Parole with family and friends.

Buon Natale!

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