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La dolce vita: 3 things we have perfected in Italy

Our Italian way of life is very special indeed. "La dolce vita", meaning the sweet life, is an expression with which we’re all familiar.

Especially anyone who has ever had the pleasure of spending their holidays in Italy. No other place celebrates this attitude to life quite like this. But you don't have to travel all the way to Italy to enjoy the sweet life.

With Senza Parole wines and the following three things that we Italians have perfected, you can easily add a little Italian flair to your home.

Take it easy

We Italians are the masters of slowing down. We recognise that life is about more than just work and one appointment after the next. Because where is the pleasure in that? Life is far too short not to enjoy it to the fullest. That is why it is much more worthwhile to live in the here and now. In our everyday lives, we should take more time to go “piano”, i.e. slow down and enjoy the quiet. This might look like dropping in on friends with a bottle of good Italian wine, such as Vino Rosato d’Italia, and enjoying a balmy summer evening together. As important as it is to celebrate the big moments in life, we can’t forget the small ones either. After all, they are what make up the stuff of life. Be it a small gesture of attention, a pleasant conversation, watching the sunset together or taking a walk in nature. This is exactly what we mean with our Senza Parole moments. So enjoy them to the full from now on!

Quality over quantity

The mere thought of Italian antipasti, pizza, pasta and the many delicious dolci makes our mouths start to water. Not only are Italian dishes deliciously tasty, they are also easy to prepare. The secret is in prioritising quality over quantity. In general, dishes usually consist of just 4-8 ingredients. It's not much, but the trick is to choose few ingredients of high quality. Nothing beats fresh tomatoes, high-quality olive oil or handmade pasta. Good wine also plays a big role. This is coordinated with each course to round out the meal as a whole and add the finishing touch of enjoyment. It is not unusual, therefore, to drink different wines during a meal. Vino Frizzante d’Italia or Vino Frizzante d’Italia Rosato for a toast. A delicious aperitif white wine, like the Vino Bianco d’Italia, with the starter. Primitivo Puglia IGP with pizza and pasta. Negroamaro Puglia IGP with hearty meat dishes. Vino Rosato d’Italia to cool off on hot summer days. The perfect combinations for enjoying "la dolce vita".

Celebrating meals together

Italian dishes might be thrown together in the blink of an eye, but the food itself is celebrated all the more. Eating slowly is not only healthier, it also increases enjoyment. A shared dinner becomes "quality time" with family or friends. Everyone relates what they have done during the day and exchanges pleasant experiences. These moments are what bring a family or friends closer together. Even once the food has long been polished off, the shared moment is far from over. In summer, a bottle of Rosato Vino d’Italia invites you to move the whole affair to the terrace. In the colder months of the year, the Vino Bianco d’Italia is perfect for getting comfy on the couch and diving into deeper conversations. This is what defines those bonding moments that establish an even more profound relationship with the other person. What would "la dolce vita" be without close family members or dear friends?

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